Women in Contracting

“I was in the bank for 25 years, I’m enjoying contracting so far the 4-day week is very important to me.”
Quote from Respondent

Professional contracting continues to grow in popularity, this year’s results show the biggest jump in the percentage of women contracting over the past 4 years up 3% to 27%, however there is still evidence of a large gender imbalance that persists within the sector. This year’s survey shows that over a quarter of professional contractors in Ireland are female, and this percentage has increased since 2021.

The survey also revealed that while some industries such as medical locums have a higher than average proportion of female contractors at 45%, women are still under-represented in sectors such as medical devices at 14%, and engineering and technical activities at 18%. There has been good growth (7%) in the number of female contractors now engaged in the engineering sector since 2023. There has been significant growth in the percentage of women contracting in the ICT space in 2024, 24% up from 18% in 2023, in pharma 29% in 2024 as against 20% in 2023, and in the financial sector 24% in 2024 up from 19% in 2023.

Contracting is recognised for its flexibility in both working locations and schedules, has higher pay rates than regular employment, and gives the contractor increased ability to have more influence over the jobs they do, it seems the appeal of contracting to professional women finally seems to be gaining some traction. The average age of the female contractor was 46, as opposed to the average age of the male contractor which was 49. 31% of female contractors are between the ages of 50 -59.

The 2024 results show that the women who are engaged in the contracting sector enjoy the work they do with 84% confirming that they are satisfied with the work itself. Female contractors reported satisfaction levels higher than their male counterparts around 7 key elements of their working life. Female contractors are more satisfied than males with their work, the rate of pay, the location of their job, the flexibility, the remote working options, the work life balance and their life in general, 62% of female participants intend to continue working as contractors in the future.














Average Age By Year


Both male and female contractors are highly educated. However, there is a small education gap by gender amongst contractors. A total of 99% of female contractors have third level education or an equivalent professional qualification whereas for males this figure is slightly lower at 94%.

Industry Split by Gender

Average Daily Rate By Gender

Good news, according to our survey although the gender pay gap still exists the gap is shrinking! The difference in average daily rate by gender was 4%, this difference was 10% in 2023. Female contractors earn an average daily rate of €555 compared to male contractors’ daily rate of €578.

The average daily rate for male contractors fell by .5% in 2024, whereas the average daily rate for females increased by 6% from 2023. Our survey shows that the age of the female contractor will also have an impact on the size of the gender pay gap they experience. Younger and older women experience a higher gender pay gap, but no gender pay gap exists for women 50-59 who earn 8% more than male contractors.

Annual Earning By Gender

Average Annual Earnings







Annual Earnings By Age

In terms of average annual earnings this year’s survey results show steady progress in the reduction of the gender pay gap in the contracting space from 15% in 2022, to 9.5% in 2023, to 6% in 2024. Female average annual earnings were at €121,632 and male average annual earnings were at €129,384.

This report reveals a smaller gender pay gap in the contracting sector compared to the Irish labour market. According to the CSO 2022 data, Ireland’s labour market gender pay gap was 9.6%. While the gender pay gap is smaller in the professional contracting sector than it is in the Irish labour market, it is important that the gender pay gap is recognised and all efforts are made to improve the situation.

Average Earnings By Sector


Both female and male contractors show relatively high levels of well-being, which is indicated by the low levels of loneliness, 30% for female contractors and 22% for male contractors.

Loneliness has increased for females from 26% in 2023 and decreased slightly for men 23% in 2023. Both males and females report low levels of burnout at 15%, both levels of burnout remain unchanged since 2023.

Job Satisfaction

When it comes to satisfaction with their work, 83% of males and 84% of females indicate a very high level of satisfaction. Life in general is also good with both male and female contractors. 83% of female contractors are satisfied with their current life in general down from 86% in 2023, and 73% of males are satisfied with their current life down from 84% in 2023.

Rate of pay scored lowest on the satisfaction ratings for male contractors at 65%, 70% of women were satisfied with the rate of pay, however it was also the criteria that scored lowest on the satisfaction ratings for female contractors. Female satisfaction with their rate of pay decreased from 71% in 2023 but male satisfaction score for rate of pay dropped 16% from 81% satisfaction recorded in 2023. Both are happy with their flexibility of working hours with 78% of men returning a positive response and 84% of females expressing satisfaction. Finally, 82% of women were more positive about remote work options, outscoring their male counterparts 75%.

Confidence Index


Performance of the Irish Economy

Female 2024


Performance of the Irish Economy

Male 2024

Confidence In The Future

Both genders are confident about the contracting sector in the next 3-5 years with a confidence index of +33 for females and +28 for males. Females are slightly more confident about the contracting sector than they were in 2023, +32, and this year males reported a slightly lower confidence index score in relation to the contracting sector than they did in 2023 when the score was +30. The confidence Index score for females in relation to the performance of the economy was significantly better than that reported in 2023, this year females scored +20 up from +3 in 2023. Again, male contractors are slightly less confident about the performance of the Irish economy than females with a score of +15 up but from +12 in 2023.

The Contracting Sector

Confidence Index

Female Male
2024 +33 +28
2023 +32 +30
2022 +37 +38
2021 +30 +30

The Irish Economy

Confidence Index

Female Male
2024 +20 +15
2023 +3 +12
2022 +37 +39
2021 -87 +10
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Next - Human Capital

  • Industry Breakdown
  • Occupation
  • Levels of Work Experience

Data Table

2024 2024 2023 2023 2022 2022 2021 2021
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
29 & below 6.00% 9.00% 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 5.00% 7.00% 8.00%
30 – 39 21.00% 21.00% 19.00% 16.00% 16.00% 16.00% 24.00% 21.00%
40 – 49 25.00% 28.00% 28.00% 34.00% 30.00% 29.00% 29.00% 33.00%
50 – 59 26.00% 31.00% 23.00% 35.00% 25.00% 35.00% 24.00% 23.00%
60 & over 22.00% 11.00% 25.00% 10.00% 25.00% 15.00% 16.00% 16.00%

Data Table

2024 2024 2023 2023 2022 2022 2021 2021
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
No formal qualifications 1.00% 0.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Junior Certificate 0.00% 0.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 3.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Leaving Certificate & below 5.00% 1.00% 3.00% 3.00% 4.00% 8.00% 5.00% 4.00%
Advanced Certificate/Higher Certificate 7.00% 7.00% 10.00% 8.00% 10.00% 33.00% 11.00% 11.00%
Bachelor’s Degree 35.00% 35.00% 37.00% 36.00% 41.00% 44.00% 46.00% 36.00%
Master’s Degree 35.00% 39.00% 30.00% 37.00% 32.00% 6.00% 35.00% 45.00%
Doctoral Degree 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 1.00% 3.00% 4.00%
Other professional qualifications 17.00% 18.00% 16.00% 11.00% 8.00% 5.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Data Table

2024 2024 2023 2023 2022 2022 2021 2021
Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Pharma 29.00% 71.00% 20.00% 79.00% 22.00% 78.00% 24.00% 76.00%
Medical Device 14.00% 86.00% 19.00% 81.00% 11.00% 89.00% 23.00% 77.00%
Life Science 24.00% 76.00% 27.00% 73.00% 16.00% 84.00% 78.00% 22.00%
Medical Locum 45.00% 55.00% 35.00% 65.00% 38.00% 62.00% 24.00% 76.00%
ICT 24.00% 76.00% 18.00% 81.00% 17.00% 83.00% 26.00% 74.00%
Finance 24.00% 76.00% 19.00% 81.00% 31.00% 69.00% 25.00% 75.00%
Engineering and technical activities 18.00% 82.00% 11.00% 89.00% 17.00% 83.00% 7.00% 93.00%

Data Table

2024 2024 2023 2023 2022 2022 2021 2021
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
The work itself 83.00% 84.00% 88.00% 82.00% 85.00% 81.00% 84.00% 85.00%
Rate of pay 65.00% 70.00% 81.00% 71.00% 76.00% 71.00% 79.00% 78.00%
Location of job 77.00% 82.00% 82.00% 81.00% 83.00% 82.00% 82.00% 85.00%
Flexibility of hours 78.00% 84.00% 81.00% 84.00% 85.00% 83.00% 81.00% 85.00%
Remote working options 75.00% 82.00% 80.00% 86.00% 80.00% 85.00% 81.00% 84.00%
The work-life balance 66.00% 74.00% 73.00% 75.00% 74.00% 71.00% 75.00% 75.00%
With my current life in general 73.00% 83.00% 84.00% 86.00% 83.00% 83.00% 81.00% 82.00%